Andero Kalju

The 17th Conference of Baltic Society of Sport Sciences 

On behalf of the Baltic Society of Sport Sciences and the organising committee we are very happy to welcome you all to take part in the 17th Baltic Sport Science Society Annual Conference that is going to be held in Tartu, Estonia, from 24-th to 26-th of April. 


Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy is happy to host the scientific community for the 5-th time to share their latest scientific work in various subdisciplines - from sport and exercise physiology and fitness to social and pedagogical aspects of sport and physical activity.  As usual, the focus on the career of future researchers has an important part in our conference with the awarding of our young colleagues within the four main topics of the conference.  

We hope that you will have a perfect opportunity for having fruitful discussions, making new contacts, initiating new research projects or just meeting old friends.  This year we are hosting academic part of the conference in the building of the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy that was built in 2019. 

We are very happy to welcome you all in Tartu, the Culture Capital of Europe in 2024. 


The General overview of the program 

Dates: 24-26 April, 2024 

The main topic sessions of the conference: 

  1. Sports Physiology and Coaching 
  2. Pedagogy, social aspects and Management in Sport 
  3. Physiotherapy and Health 
  4. Physical Activity and Fitness 

The overall number of sessions and number of parallel sessions depend on the submitted abstracts. 

Doctoral presentations will be part of the overall sessions and highlighted in the final programme. 

Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia 

Keynote Speaker - Assistant Professor Katrīna Volgemute "Exploring Cyclist Behavior, Habits, and Safety Outcomes in Latvia" from Latvian Academy of Sport Education 

Katrina Volgemute







Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania 

Keynote speaker - Professor Arunas Emeljanovas:  „What makes fit and what makes fat: portrait of Lithuanian schoolchild and its changes through decades” 

Arunas Emeljanovas





Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania 

Keynote Speaker - Associate Professor Aistė Barbora Ušpurienė: "Motor Creativity Promotion: Teaching Strategies and Evaluation" 

Aiste Barbora Ušpuriene





University of Tartu, Estonia 

Keynote Speaker - Associate Professor Merike Kull: "Physical Activity in Children and Youth - Challenges and Opportunities"

Merike Kull


24-th April 

19:00 - 21:00 Welcome reception (Institute of Sport Science and Physiotherapy, Ujula 4 Tartu)

25-th April 

8:45-9:20 Registration  

9:20-9:40 Opening of the conference 


Plenary Session I 

9:45 - 11:45 Plenary session with keynote speakers 

11:45 - 12:15 Coffee break 

12:15 - 13:30 Scientific Sessions up to 4 topics in parallels

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch 

14:30 - 15:00 Poster Presentations 

15:00 - 16:30 Scientific sessions up to 4 topics in parallels 

16:30 - 17:15 Baltic Society of Sport Sciences board meeting

19:00 Conference dinner 


26-th April 

Plenary session II 

9:00 - 11:15 Session with keynote speakers

11:15 - 11:45 Coffee break 

11:45 - 13:00 Scientific sessions up to 4 topics in parallels 

13:00 Closing Ceremony 

13:30 Lunch 


Duration of the presentations:  

International keynote speakers: 40 minutes + 5 min for questions 

Baltic keynotes: 25 minutes + 5 min for questions 

Oral presentation: 10 min + 5 min for questions 

Poster presentation: 2 min


Dates to remember: 

Deadline of abstract submission:  April 1, 2024 

Deadline of early registration: April 1, 2024 


Participation fees: 

PhD students: early registration – 90 EUR (until April 1). Late registration – 110 EUR 

Academics and others: early registration – 140 EUR (until April 1). Late registration – 160 EUR 

Fee includes: participation of the conference, coffee breaks, lunches, dinner, certificate. 


Registration and abstract submission

Abstract guidelines

  • Word limit 250 words.
  • Please use the format: Aim of the study, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

Poster presentations should be in portrate mode and can be maximal A0 size (height 1189mm, width 841 mm).


Due to high demand, the registration is now closed.


The invoice will be sent after the registration.  


Conference venue 

The conference will take place in the Institute of Sport Science and Physiotherapy. 

Location: Ujula 4, Tartu 51008, Estonia (


Conference dinner will be held in the White Hall of the University of Tartu. The White Hall on the third floor of the museum is one of the university’s grandest venues. 

Location: Lossi 25 Tartu, University of Tartu Museum 



We have pre-booked 50 rooms in Dorpat Hotel with a discounted price ( 

Standard room for one person 59.00 EUR/night 

Standard room for two persons 70.00 EUR/night 

The price includes breakfast buffet and all the local taxes. 

All the bookings should be done via e-mail and please use keyword “Baltic Sport Science Society” to get discount. 

Pre-booked rooms are kept until 25.03 or until the rooms are full. In case of later booking, the rooms are confirmed according to the availability of free rooms and the current price list. 

Other possible accommodations: 

Hotel SOHO 

Hotel TARTU 


Barclay Hotel 

Logod koos


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