Project Aim: Our main project horizontal priority is supporting teachers. Specifically, we aim to support physical education (PE) teachers in elementary and secondary schools. Our main horizontal aim leads to several additional areas such as supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences and strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions. Our partnership is providing support for the acquisition and development of the key competency of teaching fundamental movement and sport skills in a way to maximise moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in PE class. The main horizontal priority and associated secondary aims support several European priorities. Those are (1) Health and Wellbeing; (2) Innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; and (3) Strategic Partnerships supporting innovation. Background: For decades, physical inactivity has been at epidemic levels. The health and wellbeing of Europe let alone the world suffers in production and growth resulting in an enormous financial burden as the result of physical inactivity across an inactive person's lifetime. Children and youth are key to the future thriving communities, countries, and nations.
Our partnership is developing an innovative product to arm PE teachers and other such professionals (e.g., teachers supervising recess periods, sport club coaches) to combat physical inactivity levels in our partner countries with the aim of European dissemination and eventual international dissemination. Partners: Our partnership is composed of leading international experts with extensive country-based PE contacts and support from top-level stakeholders (e.g., Olympic bodies and government ministries). The partners for this proposal are the University of Tartu (Estonia), LIKES (Finland), Vilnius University and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Implementation, Dissemination, and Sustainability: Given each partner’s reputation and extensive networks implementation and dissemination across each partner country of our innovative product will occur. Sustainability of the product and continued use is expected. Two products will be developed, digital and print. Both will be 100% freely available. Compiling this set is valuable in performing much MVPA that has high health benefits and additionally teaches skills for physical literacy; thus, the expected outcomes are increased health, more enjoyable PE lessons, and skill development.