On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
This year, the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary events will take place on October 10th and 11th. We invite all interested parties to submit abstracts for the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary research conference by May 27, 2024
On November 17th Marit Salus will defend her thesis „Effect of sprint interval training on body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood biochemical markers and bone health in adolescent boys with obesity”.
5. oktoobril kaitseb Kadri Medijainen doktoritööd “Effects of disease-specific physiotherapy on functional performance in patients with mild-to-moderate Parkinson’s disease“.
24. augustil kaitseb Martin Argus doktoritööd “Musculoskeletal disorders in relation to work-related factors, physical activity, functional characteristics, and COVID-19 lockdown among office workers”
Vabariigi aastapäeva eel kuulutas Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser välja ülikooli 2022. aasta teadusteo, milleks on laste haiglahirmu vähendavad hologrammid.
20. septembril 14.00 kaitseb Mati Arend doktoritööd „Effects of specific inspiratory muscle warm-up on maximal inspiratory pressure, rowing performance, and VO2 kinetics“.